WAIT, Dear!

Don't Just Get The One Pendulum.

Learn how to master the arts of Chakra by completing your Chakra Set now! And that's not all, get your Chakra Guide for FREE!

Complete your set by getting the other 6 Chakra Pendulums and start benefiting from balancing all your other Chakras as well! And of course, you’ll receive the Chakra Guide that will teach you how to utilize your Pendulums and capitalize on all your inner-most energies for FREE! Your 6 remaining stones can be yours for the one low price of…


Yes, Dawn!

I am excited to start learning more about my inner-most Chakra energies and take advantage of completing the set by receiving the extra 6 Pendulums for $67!

I will receive the following:

I understand that I will get all of this for the one low price of $67

*DISCLAIMER: All the information we provide is for entertainment purposes only. We do not guarantee the accuracy of astrological information, and we are not responsible for how you interpret or apply it. The names and images of our astrologers have been changed to protect their privacy; however, the descriptions of their credentials is accurate. If you have a serious health issue, mental illness, or other serious problem, you should talk to a doctor or other qualified professional. If you have a serious legal or financial issue, you should seek the advice of a licensed attorney or financial advisor. By submitting your order, you agree to the full Terms of Service.